Robotic Pool Cleaner Repairs
Robotic Pool Cleaner Repair Services
Robotic Pool Cleaner Repairs can be somewhat difficult to get your head arouund
Has your robotic Pool Cleaner stopped again? Sick of seeing error codes show up either all the time or intermittently? You shouldn’t have to work so hard to make sure your robotic pool cleaner is doing it’s job, seems counter productive right?
There are many reasons why your Robot Cleaner has stopped workin correctly or at all including:-
Improper water chemistry (Eg. High Chlorine levels and high PH level).
Lack of general maintenance (Debris stuck in the impellor, Baskets / bag not being cleaned properly or often enough).
So your still not sure……. Well you have options, you can bring your Robotic Pool Cleaner in-store for us to inspect or we can come to you! We will provide a detailed repair quote by a qualified and experienced pool technician so if this sound like the best option for you……….. just Get in touch.